Silver Star AG

The Silver Star AG (Aerospace Group) was once founded under the rule of the trade federation. Early on it became clear that this big enterprise would not tolerate any interference in their business. At some point the Silver Star AG bought itself out of the trade federation. They were continuously supported by private as well as public institutions and thrived under the new found independence from the trade federation. After a quick expansion they hit a brick wall at border dispute with one of their competitors. This is when this trading company became a military one.


Home planet:
Preferred planet type:
Preferred temperature:
-11 C°
Tax rate:
120 %
Mine production:
70 %
Factory production:
80 %
Ground combat offense:
90 %
Ground combat defense:
90 %
Assimilation efficiency:
2 %
Jump engine
When activating the jump engine this ship performs a hyper space jump of 400-600 light-years in the direction of the target. 52 KT Lemin will be consumed.
Cloaking field generator
Enemy long range sensors are unable to detect this ship. The generator consumes 1 KT Rennurbin per round and works 90% of the time.
Signature masking
This ship is able to appear as a different faction on long range scanners.
Quark reorganizer
This ship has the ability to reorganize quarks. Out of 113 KT supplies, 0 KT Baxterium, 0 KT Rennurbin and 113 KT Vomisaan it is able to generate 113 KT Lemin per round. This process can be set to automatic so it is not necessary to transport resources between ship and planet each round.
Astro-physics lab
The astro-phyiscs lab enhances the efficiency of this ships scanners to 116 light-years.
Subparticle cluster
Using supplies a subparticle cluster is able to generate minerals. Out of 9 KT supplies it is able to generate 1 KT Baxterium, 1 KT Rennurbin and 1 KT Vomisaan. This process can be used at most 287 times per round. This process can be set to automatic so it is not necessary to transport resources between ship and planet each round.